• Question: why do you sneeze when you look at the sun? x

    Asked by alexleigh to Betul, Bridget, Ceri-Wyn, Maria on 23 Jun 2010 in Categories: .
    • Photo: Bridget Waller

      Bridget Waller answered on 23 Jun 2010:

      Excellent question! Only a certain percentage of the population sneeze when they look at the sun, so it might be genetically influenced. I sneeze like a maniac in the sun! There must be some connection between muscle contractions in the eyes and the sneezing response…not sure what it is, but these areas are all connected.

    • Photo: Betul Arslan

      Betul Arslan answered on 23 Jun 2010:

      Hi Alex, here is why: This is called photic sneezing. One theory is that, optic nerves and sneeze nerves are located close to one another. When we look at the sun, optic nerves send a signal to brain but the brain makes a mistake and detects this signal as if there is an irritant in the nose -> hence the sneeze!

    • Photo: Ceri-Wyn Thomas

      Ceri-Wyn Thomas answered on 23 Jun 2010:

      I believe looking at the sun is a tad dangerous for your eyes. So i wouldn’t know whether you sneeze or not because I’m fussy about protecting my retinas. However, I should imagine that the pressure of scrunching your face up from the bright light causes a sneeze? Interesting question! 😉
