• Question: Whats you Favourite charity?

    Asked by dramaqueen1 to Betul, Bridget, Ceri-Wyn, Laurel, Maria on 18 Jun 2010 in Categories: .
    • Photo: Bridget Waller

      Bridget Waller answered on 18 Jun 2010:

      I am soon going to run a race for the British Red Cross, so I am supporting them at the moment!

    • Photo: Laurel Fogarty

      Laurel Fogarty answered on 18 Jun 2010:

      The Girl Effect! They are amazing, helping girls get educated, avoid being married off to men at a young age and change the world.

      Girls don’t get an equal chance in lots of countries and worse than that they are forced to marry when they are way too young to understand what is going on and that they have a choice (in some countries this is as young as 8).

      The Girl Effect are trying to change this and make life better for everyone by allowing girls to contribute to society and run their own lives!

    • Photo: Maria Pawlowska

      Maria Pawlowska answered on 18 Jun 2010:

      Maybe it’s not a very popular one but I’m a huge fan of Planned Parenthood International – they help people make decisions about their family size, and ultimately helping them live fuller lives. And they do this all over the planet. I’m also a huge fan of WWF just because I really love animals.

    • Photo: Ceri-Wyn Thomas

      Ceri-Wyn Thomas answered on 18 Jun 2010:

      WWF and Amnesty International!

    • Photo: Betul Arslan

      Betul Arslan answered on 18 Jun 2010:

      There is a Charity in Turkey called “Dad, Send Me To School”, that is. There are sooo many girls in Turkey (especially in rural eastern part) between age 9-14 that are not allowed to go to school just because they are girls. These families are poor and uneducated and they think girls should stay home and get married only. Sounds middle era-ish but these things are still happening…

      This charity is targeting one girl at a time, and you can follow their education pattern, from elementary school to college. Facts sadden my heart but then helping out makes me feel like I am at least doing something for one girl to have a different life. Women, should be educated, period.

      I am very sensitive about this issue because in my own family I am the first woman who actually had a chance to go to school.
