• Question: What is the worst thing about being a scientist?

    Asked by sumaya to Laurel, Ceri-Wyn, Bridget, Betul on 14 Jun 2010 in Categories: .
    • Photo: Betul Arslan

      Betul Arslan answered on 14 Jun 2010:

      The good things about being a scientist can be the bad things at the same time. Science is challenging! There are many failures and frustrations throughout research. It is not always easy to stand up and keep walking but once you taste the sweet joy of discovery it is all gone. It is like being pregnant for so many years, there will be painful times but it is your baby 🙂

    • Photo: Bridget Waller

      Bridget Waller answered on 14 Jun 2010:

      I guess everyone can find something that they dislike about their job…but for me the hardest thing is achieving research funding. The government (and other funding organisations) have only got a certain amount of money, so there is always lots of good science that can’t be funded!

    • Photo: Laurel Fogarty

      Laurel Fogarty answered on 14 Jun 2010:

      Oooh now this is a tough question. The worst thing about being a scientist, I think, is that you spend most of your time not knowing things, and once you have found an answer, there is another question waiting for you.
      This is however also the best thing about being a scientist. No matter how much you discover there is always more to find out… it is amazing and terrifying in equal measure.

    • Photo: Ceri-Wyn Thomas

      Ceri-Wyn Thomas answered on 14 Jun 2010:

      For me the worst thing about being a scientist is the worry that maybe I’m just not clever enough or creative enough! That sounds pretty bad but when you’re working with brilliant people every day your own self-confidence can take a knock. However, there are many ways around that- confiding in your friends and realising they feel the same way and always remembering that you get where you are on your own merit are good things to remember.

      I also HATE the way the media sometimes miss-reports and miss-represents science and scientists- all this furore over climate change not happening, or over the Large Hadron Collider being too dangerous or expensive, or over pure science research (as opposed to applied science for use in industry and the commercial sector) not being worthy of funding…….it makes me so angry! And people not being provided with adequate teaching about evolution makes my blood boil! Grrrr
